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Remote Desktop Manager by Devolutions is available as a free download from our software library. It is a practical and reliable software solution worth having for administrators who need to manage and organize all their remote sessions.

With Remote Desktop-Manager you can add, edit, delete organize or find your remote connection quickly. Compatible with Microsoft Remote Desktop or with Terminal Services, it’s a good replacement of the Remote Desktops Snap-in.

Multiple connection support

  • The quickest way to get started is to use the Quick-connect feature at the top of the screen. This will get you started even without any knowledge of Remote Desktop Manager by providing quick access to Remote Desktop, VNC, and the Web Browser.
  • Beyond QuickConnect, you are initially presented with a small set of buttons to click that will get you started creating new groups and sessions.

Features of Remote Desktop Manager Agent

  • Connect any session types such as RDP, SSH or VNC
  • Save and manage all the passwords
  • Integrate existing password managers
  • Share and centralize all the remote connections
  • Secure the organization via the best encryption algorithm
  • View connection logs
  • Protect sensitive data
  • Share and link attachments
  • Browse shared folders or cloud repositories
  • Automatic VPN connection
  • Group all the sessions in specific folders
  • Quick connect with template support
  • Quick access via tray icon context menu
  • Online backup service
  • Automatic login
  • Microsoft Hyper-V dashboard
  • Share session settings between multiple users
  • Integrated password managers
  • Real-time connection overview

2018/08/12 13:12 2018/08/12 13:12

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